The Job is Too Small


Speaker: Darlene Sala | Series: Encouraging Words | A number of years ago the Board of the Standard Oil Company was looking for a man to become manager of a new territory they were opening in China. After much deliberation, no one had been suggested who met the conditions. First, he must be able to speak Chinese fluently, he must be a qualified business man, a born leader, and be under age 30.

Finally one of the members spoke up, “Say, I do know a man who fits the qualifications. He is twenty-eight years old, he was valedictorian of his class, he is a born leader, and speaks Chinese fluently, and he’s even now living in China.”

The Board was at once interested, and they asked what his salary was. The reply: just a few thousand dollars a year.

They immediately said, “There must be something wrong here–a man with these qualifications earning such a small amount!”

“Oh, there’s nothing wrong with my friend,” said the man. “It’s the system that he works for. He’s a missionary.”

The board commissioned the board member to go to China and offer the man the job. He was instructed to get him at any price.

After traveling half way around the world, the man presented the opportunity to his friend, offering him a comfortable salary. But the missionary shook his head, “No.” The friend raised the amount several times, but each time the answer was “No!’

“What will you take?” his friend asked.

The missionary replied, “Oh, there is nothing wrong with the salary. It is magnificent, but the job is too small. I have a small salary, but a big job. You offer me a big salary, but a little job. I would be foolish to quit winning people to the Lord, and start selling oil.”

Whether you are a missionary or a lay person, it is just as true today. In Proverbs 11 King Solomon, who was both wise and rich, wrote, “He who wins souls is wise” (Proverbs 11:30).