Courage To Go On


Speaker: Darlene Sala | Series: Encouraging Words | Kathy, who grew up in her grandmother’s home, was the victim of terrible physical and sexual abuse—from her uncles, from her grandmother, and from her grandmother’s drinking companions. She was caught in a terrible trap of cruelty and mistreatment. If it hadn’t been that her teacher told her about Jesus’ love, who knows what would have become of her. Eventually her teacher invited Kathy to live with her, and she began a new life.

When Kathy told me her story, I shook my head. “How could you function, Kathy, with a background like you had? What gave you the courage to go on day after day?”

Kathy said, “It is the Lord who gets me through. He is my Strength, my Sustainer, and my Shield. I know I could never make it through without God.

“I pored over Scripture,” Kathy went on. “I read in 2 Peter that God has given us ‘all things that pertain to life and godliness’ (2 Peter 1:3). I saw through Scripture that God is sovereign. He loves me unconditionally, totally, completely. God is love. You see, if I know God’s character, it does not matter how I feel. Feelings are deceitful; they can’t be trusted. When I felt like God didn’t care, I knew that was a lie.”

“But, Kathy, what exactly do you do when feelings come over you that God doesn’t care? “I asked her.

“I begin to saying the Scriptures,” she responded. “Sometimes I tell myself these truths a thousand times a day until I begin to believe them in my heart. I put them up all over the walls of my house, because I know the battle is fought in my mind. This is what gets me through.”

Do you have a relationship with Jesus like Kathy has? Turn to God’s Word and read His promises. Then take His Words into your heart as Kathy did. They’ll be an anchor to hold you when the raging storms would wreck your life.
