How Much Are You Worth?


Speaker: Darlene Sala | Series: Encouraging Words | When you wake up in the morning, do you sometimes feel worthless? The reason is probably that you were up too late the night before! But then again, maybe those feelings go deeper than mere sleep deprivation. Maybe you’re someone who struggles with feeling worthwhile to yourself and to others.

In his book The Bondage Breaker Neil Anderson writes, “One of the most common attitudes I have discovered in Christians…is a deep-seated sense of self-deprecation. I’ve heard them say, ‘I’m not important, I’m not qualified, I’m no good.’ … Satan can do absolutely nothing to alter our…worth to God. But he can render us virtually inoperative if he can deceive us into listening to and believing his insidious lies accusing us of being of little value to God or other people.”

Sometimes something that appears to be a worthless piece of junk turns out to be more valuable than we would ever have dreamed. Richard bought an old pickle bottle for three dollars at a junk sale. A few months later he offered it for sale on Ebay, the Internet auction site. Much to his surprise, after a week-long auction and more than sixty bids, the eleven-inch amber bottle sold for $44,100!

Some mornings you may wake up feeling worth about as much as a three-dollar pickle bottle. You feel that about all you’re good for is to sit on a shelf. Take heart! You’re worth far more than $44,100! God was willing to pay the death of His only Son to redeem you. “Jesus Christ laid down his life for us” (1 John 3:16), John tells us. You’re priceless. Never forget it!

Your heart may tell you something different. So will the world. And most of all, Satan will try to convince you that you’re not worth much at all. Believe God’s evaluation of you. Then trust Him to accomplish His purpose in your life as you follow in His steps one day at a time.