Almost Up and Definitely Running – Rebuilding & Re-Equipping for Ministry

#2 BV Update Kids

Construction is nearly complete on the Guidelines Barangay Valencia Ministry Center in the inner city of Manila but Bible Studies and children’s programs are already underway. Flooring, painting, railing on the rooftop patio area and the kitchen sink are still lacking. Additionally, the tiny center will still need to be reequipped with seating, an audio/visual projector, a laptop, teaching materials and electric fans.

Children spill out into the narrow passages of this densely packed and impoverished barangay of 200 families, so Pastor Joshua Manalo and his wife, Jessa, would also like to be able to provide a snack to children and youth who visit the center. A gift of $10 would provide snacks such as a banana, for an entire week of activities.

“This is a tiny, but absolutely effective ministry among those who would be forgotten,” Dr. Harold Sala explains. “Pastor Joshua was raised and discipled by his father right here in this barangay and Guidelines is blessed to hand the torch to a second generation of disciplers!”

We are so grateful to Guidelines partners in the US and our Philippine Board of Directors for responding to the needs that arose from the fire in April. If you’d like to have a part in re-equipping the ministry center, call the Guidelines office or email

#1 Joshua & Jessa Manalo

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