You Can Trust God with Unanswered Prayers


And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. Romans 8:28


Knowing what to do with life’s pain, disappointments, and unanswered prayers can be challenging. Where’s God in it all?


As a young girl, Amy Carmichael desperately wished she had brilliant blue eyes like her mother instead of her own brown eyes. She prayed for her eye color to change, but the God who had made her with brown eyes was silent. Years later, as a missionary to India, she needed to go undercover in India to rescue young girls being sold into slavery. Amy would never have been able to disguise herself if she had her mother’s blue eyes. As she looked at the precious rescued little girls, she had a profound moment marveling at the wisdom and foresight of God, even in our seemingly unanswered prayers.


Today we may bring God far more desperate pleas and painful burdens than requests for a different eye color. It can feel impossible to understand God’s plan when we’re suffering. God may or may not answer your prayer right now in the way you hope. Regardless of how God moves today, we do have an unconditional promise to rely on forever. The Bible book of Romans says, “…God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them” (Romans 8:28).


Even in what seems like unanswered prayer, if you love God, He can use absolutely everything for your good. Clarity may come in a minute, a day, a year, or only in eternity, but this promise is true!


Like Amy Carmichael, you may not see God’s reasoning for a long time. But God’s promises are always true and always good for those who love Him.