You Can Know for Sure


For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes—the Jew first and also the Gentile. This Good News tells us how God makes us right in his sight. Romans 1:16-17a

Scientists have discovered that in our last moments, we may experience a kind of “life flashing before our eyes.”[1]

Is this good news?  Would you really want to rehash everything you’ve ever done? A woman in the Bible had that experience.  She said, “I met a man who told me everything I ever did!”  The man was Jesus, and the woman was so shocked by His conversation with her, she ran into town and told everyone: “He knows me inside and out!” (John 4:39-42 The Message)

This story has several surprising aspects to it: for one, men in that culture would never have engaged a woman in conversation, and this woman was a Samaritan, a social outcast to the Jews.  Even Jesus’s disciples were “shocked to find him talking to a woman” (John 4:27).

What’s more, Jesus revealed Himself as God in the conversation, saying “I am the Messiah!” The woman’s response was to leave what she was doing and tell everyone in the village, Come and see! They came and “said to the woman, ‘We’re no longer taking this on your say so.  We’ve heard it for ourselves and know it for sure.  He’s the Savior of the world!'” (John 4:39-42 The Message)

Jesus showed that, no matter who you are, you can still “hear for yourself” and “know for sure.” The gospel, says Scripture, “is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes…[telling} us how God makes us right in his sight” (Romans 1:16-17).

Yes, Jesus knows everything you’ve ever done and welcomes you to Himself.

[1] Honderich, H. (2022, February 23). Life may actually flash before your eyes on Death – New Study. BBC News. Retrieved October 4, 2022, from