Does God Really Care About The Little Things?


Sometimes God does big things for us and sometimes He does little things.

My former college roommate wrote to tell of a big thing God did for her. During a physical exam her doctor said, “LuAnne, have you noticed this lump? It is rather large.”

“Yes,” she replied, “a couple of months ago I found it and thought that I ought to get it looked at, but I forgot it with all that I am doing.”

Emergency tests, along with a biopsy, were scheduled. In the meantime, four people in the medical field besides the doctor examined the lump and scolded her for letting it grow so large without medical attention, especially since breast cancer ran in LuAnne’s family.

So sure was LuAnne that her time had come that she started dividing her jewelry among her grandchildren and writing letters to them for the future. And she prayed big-time for grace.

After the tests she was called into the office to receive the news. “All clear,” they told her. LuAnne was dumbfounded. She asked what they meant.  She was told that they didn’t see any lump at all.

“I was on cloud nine, ten, eleven,” recalls LuAnne. She might see her grandchildren grow up after all. It was a big answer to prayer.

Sometimes God shows us He cares through the big things in life, and sometimes it’s the simplest things, like making sure there is just enough peanut butter in the jar to make that sandwich for your son’s lunch.  “I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go,” God promises (Genesis 28:15). Through the big events in life and the little ones, thank God that He is there.