Feel Like an Imposter?


That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. 2 Corinthians 12:10

Harvard Business Review defines it as, “Doubting your abilities and feeling like a fraud.” It’s called Imposter Syndrome.

We may feel like imposters in life because we think everyone else has it together and does it all perfectly. But the Bible shows us that God equips the called, but rarely calls the equipped.  Why does God pass by the more qualified person and choose the one who seems inadequate? Because those who have much trust their own resources; while those who have little, trust God completely.

When David took on Goliath he was probably in his late teen years.  Of course, he was inadequate.  But empowered by the One who called him, he was powerful. So, here’s the issue: what does God want you to do?  His purpose for you reflects your calling, and your calling is the key to accomplishment.

Does God ever call someone to fall on his or her face? Generally, not, though God uses our failures to build into our lives, and even uses them to help us accomplish what He wants.

Recognizing your inadequacy is the first step towards finding His strength and help. Read the Apostle Paul’s description of his own inadequacies in the book of Romans 7. Then read on where he, energized by the Holy Spirit, presents an entirely different picture. When Paul wrote in the book of Philippians saying he could do all things through Christ who gave Him strength, it wasn’t a boast of His accomplishments but the recognition of the fact that God’s strength is more than enough to overcome our inadequacies.

Let your feelings of inadequacy be what leads you to trust Him entirely.