Who Moved?


Do not move from the hope held out in the gospel.  This is the gospel that you heard and that has been proclaimed to every creature under heaven. Colossians 1:23


“You’re either growing or you’re dying.”  Those words from a famous American football coach apply to trees, marriages, businesses, and human beings.

As much as we’d wish otherwise, flourishing in any area of our lives takes commitment and intention.  The temptation to think that we can just coast along is the most dangerous in our spiritual lives.  In relationship with God, we are definitely either growing or dying, each and every day.

For years, I went through a very painful time. I couldn’t make it without starting each day connecting with Jesus and His book, the Bible.  I needed those verses of encouragement that I could hold onto in moments of despair.  And then as the years went by, God brought fresh joy into my life!

To be honest, with my changed circumstances I began to watch the intensity of my desire to hear from and follow God wane. I felt further away from Him and I had to consider: “Who moved?” The answer is:  not God.

“Do not move from the hope held out in the gospel,” Colossians 1:23 reminds me.  My hope in life isn’t in pleasant circumstances, good relationships, or accomplishments.  My hope is always in God.

When we feel farther away, we are the ones who have moved. We are the drifters. That’s why, over and over in Scripture, God says, Come back.  Listen to Joel 2:13: “Return…for he is He is merciful and compassionate, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love”

We grow or die, spiritually, relative to our position to God. Have you moved?  If so, He’s calling to you today, Come back.


Resource reading: Joel 2:12-14