How To Make Space For Willingness


Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” Isaiah 6:8

Do you consistently feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day? Michael felt like that.  He worked a fast-paced job, volunteered on weekends, and was raising two kids at the same time. He felt constantly anxious; his health and relationships suffered. He needed a change, but it took several years of careful habit-breaking to truly slow down.

Michael guarded his calendar with continuous thought and prayer, rarely agreeing to new regular commitments. Sometimes he used his free time to lounge around, which we also call “rest.” But more specifically, Michael was building a practice of willingness. His freed-up time made it possible to keep an ear to the door and an open heart to what Jesus might ask of him each day.

Jesus is present even in a hectic schedule. He might not ask something loud and clear of you each day. But Jesus sees your willingness and when you make time to hear Him, He’ll take you up on it! The prophet Isaiah was ready when God had a job for him. All that was left to do was respond, “Here am I. Send me!” (Isaiah 6:8)

Overcommitment crowds into the space that you could open up for God’s voice. Tell God that you’re ready and willing. Then listen for His knock on the door or the ping of a text, calling you to where He’ leading. His will is good, and you’ll find this to be true if you have made the time available to follow it (Romans 12:2).


Resource reading: Romans 12:1-2