3 Ways To Respond To Setbacks


This is what the Lord says: “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls…” Jeremiah 6:16

When insurmountable obstacles get in the way of goals we’ve set for ourselves, we feel defeated. Why would God allow our path to be blocked if we were working toward something good, and good things are from God?

There are three ways to respond to setbacks. The first is to fight back. We know that sometimes we face resistance from powers of darkness when we’re bearing God’s light. Sometimes we should pray and continue to fight.  However, we always need to check our motives—is the goal I’m fighting for actually self-serving?

A second option is to back away. Sometimes we have to accept that a goal is out of reach or perhaps the pushback we’re experiencing is to protect us from an unforeseen danger ahead. Yes, it’s disappointing and draining to have to give up on a goal. “What is God thinking?” you’re tempted to wonder.  Didn’t He realize what a good thing you had going? Ask God for wisdom and for a new goal.  He promises to give wisdom generously and without reproach in James 1:5.

The third option is the hardest of all: resting in God. When we follow God, He directs our steps and our stops. “Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus,” says Thessalonians 5:18. Praise God when He puts your plans on pause. Use that time to rest instead of flail. He will clear your path or give you a new one, according to His plan.

Resource reading: Psalm 62:1-12