How To Deepen Your Relationship With God


Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed. – Mark 1:35

Would you say that you have a personal relationship with God? As with any relationship, the connection is deeper when there’s good communication. Do you spend as much time talking with God as you do messaging with family or friends? God doesn’t demand that we set aside a certain amount of time to talk to Him, but the example that Jesus gave us in His own life shows us the importance of connecting with God.

Jesus often made time, away from His friends, to be with His Father. (Luke 5:16) Undivided attention is one way that we demonstrate love, just like the way we give to our dearest friends or spouse. Our relationship with God may be communal, within church and through service to others, but it is also beautifully personal.

To build a habit of personal time dedicated to talking with God and learning from His Word, you need to find a place where you can go to be alone. Jesus went to the sea, the mountains or a garden at times, but a quiet room—a solitary place, as Mark 1:35 says—, even a silent walk are also good options. We may need to examine our schedules as well. Do we have any habits that prevent us from dedicating time to God? We need to assign time not only to share our hopes and frustrations with God, but also to be silent and listen for what He wants to say to us.

Resource reading: Psalm 42: 1-11