The One Thing Worth Being Concerned About


As Jesus was getting into the boat, the man who had been demon possessed begged to go with him.  Mark 5:18 NLT

It sounds like a scene from a horror movie: A naked man with superhuman strength living in a graveyard. He broke free from chains, cried out and cut himself. This man was possessed by many demons, but one day he saw Jesus from afar and ran to Him.

“Come out of this man, you evil spirit!” Jesus said. “What is your name?” The demon responded, “My name is Legion. For there are many of us in this man.” (Mark 5:8-9) Over 2,000 pigs were grazing nearby. Jesus gave the demons permission to enter the pigs, which they drove down a steep hillside to their deaths in the lake below.

A gathering crowd found the previously possessed man healed, sitting at Jesus’ feet, and begging to follow Him. Jesus told him to go home “and tell how much God has done for you,” which he did (Luke 8:39)!

If you have been freed from bondage that crippled you, gratitude makes you want to be in Jesus’ presence.

Jesus’ friend Mary abandoned her regular tasks to be near Him and learn from Him. Jesus told her family that by sitting at His feet, Mary had found “the one thing worth being concerned about” – being a disciple of Jesus and spending time with Him, sitting at His feet. (Luke 10). Have you realized, like the demon-possessed man and Jesus’ friend, Mary, that the very best thing, the one thing worth being concerned about today, is spending time with Him?

Resource reading:  Luke 10:38-42