Here Is The Secret To Spiritual Renewal

Speaker: Dr. Harold J. Sala | Series: Guidelines For Living | Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is–his good, pleasing and perfect will.  Romans 12:2

Evident in almost every facet of life is a fundamental problem: We have not learned the secret of renewal, and pollution is the inevitable result, morally, spiritually, and physically.   A leading scientist said that almost everything the human hand touches becomes polluted.  The Sea of Galilee in Israel is a typical example.  Marine life in Galilee, the largest body of fresh water in Israel, is in danger of serious harm, even possible extinction, so some believe.

If you look on a Bible atlas you will find a small dot on the map, north of Galilee, called “the waters of Merom.”  Years ago, it was a swamp, and engineers drained the swamp, fertilized the area and turned it into productive land.  Now, decades later the fertilizers have drained into the Jordan and threaten to destroy all marine life in Galilee.  The balance of nature has been upset.

This is not another thrust at ecology.  The environment is only an illustration of what has happened universally.  We see the problem, but I have a solution.  It is not original, but I think it is inspired.  The answer is RENEWAL.  Even the seasons themselves teach us the lesson of renewal.  Centuries ago the Psalmist recognized that renewal is God’s program when he said, “…You [God] renew the face of the earth” (Psalm 104:30, KJV).  In almost every facet of life renewal is necessary, your spiritual life included.

Almost everywhere I go I meet Christian drop‑outs.  Their story goes like this.  “There was a time when I went to church, but then something happened…”   There are a lot of variations including, “There was a time when I taught a Sunday School class,” or “served on a committee,” but then something happened that contributed to becoming a spiritual drop‑out.

Hold steady for a minute.  You may be thinking, “No.  That person did not have any faith to begin with.”  You may be right, but I am not convinced.  At times working for God can be a trap.  People get so wrapped up in church work that they neglect their spiritual lives, and their spiritual energies are exhausted.

What you are is more important than what you do.  Once Dr. Wilbur Chapman went to his friend, F. B. Meyer, and complained of lacking spiritual energy.  His friend, Meyer, said to Chapman, “Try exhaling twice without inhaling.”  Thinking that this was some kind of new exercise, Chapman tried desperately to exhale to the fullest twice without inhaling.  That is impossible and is also one reason why Christians become fatigued.

Allow me to share with you three guidelines for spiritual renewal.  They are tested and tried.  They are the secret of renewal.  Guideline #1:  Get into the Word, the Bible, and pray every day.  Isaiah said, “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength…” (Isaiah 40:31, KJV).  That is God’s promise of spiritual renewal.  To the Romans Paul wrote, “Be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind…” (Romans 12:2, KJV).

Guideline #2:  Practice the presence of God in your life.  Jesus said, “…Lo, I am with you always…” (Matthew 28:20, KJV) and again, “…I will never leave thee nor forsake thee” (Hebrews 13:5, KJV).  Begin each day with the realization that God is by your side and will never leave you nor forsake you.  Try pressing your hand into the hand of God and ask Him to let you sense His presence.

Guideline #3:  Renew your spiritual life by confessing any known sin in your life. Learn a lesson of renewal from the coal miner who goes into the earth each day.  In the morning he is clean, but by evening he is darkened from head to toe by coal dust—with one exception.  His eyes glisten because the tear ducts have washed them clean. May God teach us the importance of spiritual renewal!

Resource reading: Job 42:1-17