The Committee That Lives In Your Head


Speaker: Darlene Sala | Series: Encouraging Words | Jan Johnson says for a long period of time she was plagued by what she calls “the committee that lives in my head.” She said there were four people on the committee, and in her thoughts they were continually harassing her.

The first, The Looking Good Kid, always worked hard to be admired—out of fear of not being good enough. He urged Jan, “Don’t make any mistakes—and then I’ll be proud of you.”

The second committee member that hassled her in her mind was The Rescuer. This person continually thought up ways for her to help others so they would have to love her and, as a result, insisted on her working an impossible schedule.

Committee member number three was The Attitude Police Officer, who wanted everything done right. She was always evaluating and criticizing Jan–as if God was the one correcting her.

The final member of the committee in her head was The Grouch, who told her others should be paying more attention to her. “You poor thing!” he’d say.[i]

You may have some of these people on the committee in your head—who, unlike God, who are utterly impossible to please. Jan could never look good enough or help enough people or be perfect enough to please the committee that harassed her thoughts.

How different is this committee from God! Jan knew she couldn’t be perfect, but she found relief when she confronted the committee with the truth that God is not so interested in a performance as a relationship with us. He loves us unconditionally.

When thoughts of inadequacy disturb your peace of mind, replace them with the truth of the Bible, which says, “As for God, his way is perfect; the word of the Lord is flawless. He is a shield for all who take refuge in him” (2 Samuel 22:32). You aren’t perfect but you have a perfect Savior, who can disband that committee  that lives in your head.

[i] Jan Johnson, “What Happens in Solitude?” from Conversations, (Atlanta, GA: Vol. 1:2 Fall 2003), 68.