The Most Important Things You Can Say To Your Grandchildren

Speaker: Dr. Harold J. Sala | Series: Guidelines For Living | But from everlasting to everlasting the LORD’S love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness with their children’s children.  Psalm 103:17

Are you a grandparent?  I am, and if I had known how much fun grandchildren would be, I would have had them first!  Grandparents, you can be a powerful force in the lives of your grandchildren.  You can be an important support and confidant, especially in the teen years.  When my first grandson was born, I wrote a letter that I’ve given to each of my eight grandchildren—although they’re not children anymore!

Here’s what I wrote:

I love every one of you guys and I’m planning on seeing you all finish college and someday marrying you like I did your parents, but if I’m not there, I want you to know there are seven things I desire for you–things that only you can do.

Desire #1:  A personal walk with Jesus Christ.  I’m not satisfied for you to just “know who Jesus is and call yourself a Christian,” but to be completely committed to Him.  If Jesus is God (and He is), then don’t mess around.  Give Him 100%.  You’ve come from a long line of men and women who believe God and are committed to Jesus Christ.  But God has no grandchildren.  Each of you needs to trust Jesus and follow Him.

Desire #2: Know right from wrong and choose the right.  Sure, we all make mistakes, but don’t make the same ones twice. Learn from your mistakes. You’ve grown up in a Christian home, but the time is going to come when you’ve got to choose for yourself.  Two simple words, “Do right!” are powerful.  Ask yourself, “What’s the right thing to do?” then be brave enough to choose the right thing, no matter how unpopular or how difficult it may be.

Desire #3: Be tough enough to stand alone.  It’s never easy to be different, but the time comes eventually when you have to draw a line and say, “Look, I won’t do that.”  Choose your friends wisely because they influence you.  But never forget, “It’s OK to be different, to march to the beat of a different drummer.”

Desire #4:  Find out what God says about issues, and then consider the issue settled.  Settle the issue that this is the Word of God, memorize it, and let it be your guide.  Read it each day, memorize it, and it will give you guidance and light.

Desire #5:  Choose your marriage partner carefully.  Life is a long time, and I believe God has a special person for each of you.  Trust Him.  Don’t just marry another person “who is a Christian,” but marry someone who shares your values, your commitment, and your determination to make your marriage work.  Don’t be in a hurry to marry, and until you find the right one, keep yourself pure. What God asks you to do, He will help you to accomplish.

Desire #6: Find God’s will for your life and make your life count for Him.  Nothing would please me more than knowing each of you gets involved in service for God whether you work in your church, get involved in missions, or teach or preach full time.  But I covet your lives for Him, and I desire that you live a life of purpose–not just being successful.

Desire #7: Never forget who you are.  Each of you is different and your gifts and talents are unique. You’re one of a kind, God’s masterpiece.  Never forget you are God’s child and lift your head high.  You are cut out of good stuff–tough stuff, too.  So go out there and take on the world.

That great cloud of witnesses the book of Hebrews talks about may well include your great-grandparents–perhaps, me too, someday, and we’ll all be cheering for you.

Take the time to write a letter to your grandchildren today!

Resource reading:  Psalm 103:1-22


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