How To Pray For The Impossible


Speaker: Darlene Sala | Series: Encouraging Words | Those difficult circumstances you’re dealing with right now–how do you see them? As insurmountable? Or as an opportunity for God to do the impossible?

A shoe salesman was sent to a rural part of the country to work. When he arrived, he was depressed because everyone went around barefooted. So he emailed his company, “No prospect for sales. People don’t wear shoes here.” Later another salesman went to the same territory.  He too immediately sent an email to the home office. But his read, “Great potential! People don’t wear shoes here.”[1]

It’s amazing what a difference attitude makes. For years my husband has had a sign in his office that says, “Don’t tell me that it can’t be done. Tell me how we’ll do it.”

Sometimes what we need to do is simply get our eyes off the difficulties and focus instead on what we can do to improve or solve a situation. But most times we need something more. Beyond the difference that a positive attitude can make, we need God’s help. Being positive about a situation will only go so far.  But God can do what we cannot do.  Jesus Himself said, “What is impossible with men is possible with God” (Luke 18:27),

William Carey is known as the father of missions because of the pioneer missionary work that he did back in the 1700s. He once said, “You have not tested the resources of God until you attempt the impossible.” I like that, because it challenges my faith. Throughout his work in India Carey faced insurmountable obstacles. In fact, if you want to bolster your own faith, look up his biography some time, and you’ll find that he proved by his life that God can do the impossible.

Today when you pray about that impossible situation you’re facing, don’t worry that you’re asking for too much. Pray big prayers—because we have a big God—one who truly can do the impossible.

[1] Adapted from D.J.D., “Giant Problems,” Our Daily Bread published by Radio Bible Class, Grand Rapids, MI, Fall 1979.
