What is Intimacy with God?


Speaker: Darlene Sala | Series: Encouraging Words | Ann Voskamp tells of losing the diamond from her wedding ring. It was just a 2mm diamond but the only precious stone she’d ever known.


Ann points out that “if you multiply the volume of a 2 mm diamond by the number of weeks in a lifetime–say, 90 years, it adds up to just under one tablespoon.”[1]That means if you live to be 90 years old, all the weeks of your life add up to a spoonful of diamonds. Just one spoonful.


While losing the diamond from your wedding ring is very sad, it doesn’t compare with losing part of your life.  Diamonds can be replaced.  But you cannot.


Do you understand how much God values you? He has put you on this earth for a reason–primarily because He wants to have fellowship with you every single day.  You bring glory to Him by your relationship with Him, for God’s primary goal for you is intimacy with Himself.


You can have this heart-relationship at any point in your day–while working at your job, caring for your child, or deciding what you’re going to have for dinner tonight.  You can find that intimacy with God when you’re heart is broken by your husband’s infidelity or the funeral of your dearest friend or receiving the doctor’s report that your condition is life-threatening. God is there, waiting to talk with you and to hold you in His arms.  He says, “Come to Me” (Matthew 11:28).


Your life is precious to God. He is waiting for you to pour out your heart to Him. Lean on Him for all that you need. Experience His presence each step of your day. Every day is more precious than diamonds.

[1]“How to Mine Your 2015 For Unexpected Diamonds,” by Ann Voskamp, from A Holy Experiencefor January 6, 2015.