They Call Her Sister Freda


Speaker: Darlene Sala | Series: Encouraging Words

They call her Sister Freda, and she is an inspiration to me!  She is a Kenyan nurse who saw great need and decided to do something about it. So she started a medical clinic in an area of great poverty.

The needs were overwhelming, but Sister Freda began to do what she could. She’s not a doctor, but she finds doctors in the area who will help when she needs them. If she runs out of medicines, she prays–and God answers. In a miracle of timing, a visiting group will arrive with donations of the very medicines she needs. She has an inoculation program for young children. She has established a small farm and raises animals. People have given to enlarge the clinic and to dig a water-well. But she isn’t satisfied with just a clinic. She has established a school and a feeding program for children 3-8 years of age who live in the area.

When I met Sister Freda, so great was her compassion that I immediately felt the love and presence of Jesus. She does what she does with the simplest of facilities and equipment. She’ll never be rich, because she gives everything away. Can she help everyone? No. But for the ones she helps she makes all the difference in the world.

Sister Freda reminds me of a phrase in the Bible that Mark used when he wrote of a woman who had done a kindness to Jesus, “She did what she could” (Mark 14:8), Jesus said of her. Too many of us want to wait until we can do something perfectly before we do anything at all. Sister Freda is a reminder for us to do what we can and let God take care of the results. For the ones we help it will make all the difference in the world.

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