Talking to you…for 55 years!

Speaker: Dr. Harold J. Sala | Series: Guidelines For Living

How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “your God reigns!  Isaiah 52:7

Terry Wedel: This week Guidelines International Ministries is celebrating its 55th Anniversary of transforming lives with the love and hope of Jesus. Today we have with us the person who founded Guidelines back in 1963 – Dr. Harold Sala. He is releasing a new book called Guidelines for Living but, Dr. Sala, this is not the first time you have had a book with this title.

Harold Sala: Yes, that’s true! Actually, my first book ever to be published was called, Guidelines for Living. Kind of interesting.  We had just begun Guidelines, and I had been broadcasting for about two years and I pulled about a hundred of the programs that I thought were some of the better at the time. I put them together and sent them to Baker Book House. Herman Baker, who was the founder and president of Baker Books, said, “I like it!” And, they put them in a golden slipcase, and that was my first book. You know, if they had turned me down, I don’t know if I’d ever had the heart to go ahead and try and write another book. But, over the years, we have produced more than 15 devotional books, with 365 selections in each one. And recently, a publisher said, “We want to print the best of Harold Sala” so, an editor went through all of those 15 books with 365 selections and they have culled what they believe is the very finest. So, the title of the book will be the same as my first one, Guidelines for Living: A Devotional on Faith, Hope, and Love and then, “The Best of Harold J. Sala.” And, if you’re interested in seeing what the best of Harold Sala is, you can either talk to my wife – or better – go to our website:  There will be some selections there and you can see for yourself.

TW:  Do you ever picture your target audience?

HS: You know, when we began Guidelines, I took pictures of people and I put them on the wall behind the microphone. Instead of broadcasting, “To all of you out there in Radio Land!” I was just talking to individuals. When I write a commentary, I’m just speaking to one person, and that is you, the listener. And subsequently, I simply open my heart and share what I feel will be of encouragement and help and guidance to you in your personal life. I have a motto on the wall, which has been there for years. It was by Ralph Spaulding Cushman, and it says, “I do not ask that men may sound my praises, or headlines spread my name abroad; I only pray that as I voice the message, Hearts may find God!” And the person I am speaking to is to you who listens day-in and day-out. Thank you! And, thank you for letting us know how God has used Guidelines to help you through a rough spot in your life or help you put a marriage together again, or find yourself in relationship to what God wants you to do.

TW: So, with all of the advice that you have passed along to us in 55 years of broadcasts and more than 60 books… looking at your own life, do you think there is anything that you would have done differently?

HS: Oh, it is very easy for me to answer that. Number one, I would be less judgmental. Number two, I would be more compassionate and understanding. You see, the problem is, I knew too much when I was young, but I’m not sure I even understood the question – let alone the answer. But over the years, I have realized that I am very human and God knows that, and subsequently loves each of us just as we are.

TW: Thank you for being with us today, Dr. Sala. His latest book is called, Guidelines for Living – A Devotional on Faith, Hope, and Love….The Best of Harold J. Sala.  For more information about that book and his other books, just go to


Colossians 3:12-17

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