Book Intended for His Wife Changes this Man’s Life

When we write our books, we often have certain people in mind that we’re writing for – often addressing specific life challenges. That’s we have so many books!

But God can take the core of our messages and use it to impact anyone he wants. Darlene Sala wrote a book called Refreshing Words for BUSY Women – and as clearly stated by the title, the book was intended for women.

But we received a message from a gentleman who said the book had a significant impact on his life.

Read his testimony here:

I came across your book entitled Refreshing Words for BUSY Women and completely read it end to end. It is a very informative and inspiring book for all the people who have believed and accepted Jesus Christ as our savior, as well as for non-believers.

This book was given to my wife as a Christmas gift last December. She was a teacher in one of the universities in our place and I always urge her to read it because it is a good book. She has a lot of reasons not to read in part or in full – according to her she has a limited time.

I try to use and keep things in an efficient manner, so instead of putting the book on the shelf idle, I decided to read and make use of it.

I believe that the arrival of this book was timely because last November, I decided to accept Jesus as my savior and reinforce my faith and knowledge about God. Currently, I love to read on the web as well as books.

I can do it fast since I stay home due to a mild stroke I experienced while I was working in the middle east which causes both hands to be partially disabled, a lack of strength and continued numbness. Everyday I pray that one day, the illness and discomfort I feel will be removed in God’s will and I will continue serving Him.

I think this book was not so much a gift for my wife, but rather it was God’s timely gift for me as I try to learn more about God’s word and live in intimacy with Him. Right now, I attend a Bible study once a week and keep on taking notes from your book and other sources so that someday I can also share what I experienced to others.

Thank you very much for your book. I pray that God will continue to shower more blessings so that you can reach out to people like me who are hungry to know the truth about God. Maybe the next title of the book would be “Refreshing Words for BUSY Men and Women!”

I thank God also for all these things!

 – Frederick Olson

What an incredible story from Frederick!

We pray that he continues to grow in his knowledge and relationship with Jesus, and that God would also bring healing to his body.

This is why we write books – so that they can lead people to a deeper understanding and relationship with God.

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